Saturday, November 13, 2010


Sometimes it's okay to have milk and Oreo's for breakfast. Sometimes you will be the only one who really cleans the entire apartment. Sometimes when you put your iPod on shuffle, it will play the perfect songs. Sometimes you just need your best friend. Sometimes you'll accidentally hurt people. Sometimes you'll forget to put on deodorant. Sometimes you'll get extremely excited for someone else's future adventures. Sometimes your mood can change in a second, even if it's over something trivial. Sometimes people will tell you exactly what you need to hear. Sometimes it hurts to let yourself relive the past. Sometimes it's really good. Sometimes you just need to suck it up and throw away that nasty, black, molded pumpkin, even when it's not yours. Sometimes you'll want to run away. Sometimes you just need to soak and listen to Norah Jones. Sometimes you need to take a step back and look at things from another person's eyes. Sometimes you'll want to give people what you can't. Sometimes you'll have to pray really hard for patience. Sometimes you just need to step out into 35 degree weather in shorts for a minute. Sometimes you just need to sing really loud. Sometimes you need to stand on a mountain. Sometimes you'll laugh really hard, and everyone else around you will keep a straight face. Sometimes things won't work out the way that you want them to.
But, sometimes they will.

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