Friday, October 29, 2010

"In Every Other Aspect, You're Better Than My Dog..."

::commence rambling::
Pushing Rachel out of my bed will always be funny. Fruit snacks are great. My mom makes me laugh. We have too much candy in our apartment now. Salty tortilla chips are also wonderful. Scrubs is good, talking is better. It snowed already. Sometimes we need to think before we speak, sometimes we just need to get everything out. Cold hands, warm heart. Is there a limit to how many times you'll feel good when someone compliments your butt? October is almost over, which means that I've been home from China for just over four months now. Wo bu ming bai. Wo xiang Zhonguo. We're all different.. but we're all kinda the same too. I ordered Gordon B Hinckley's biography the other day, it should be here soon. I also ordered Eat, Pray, Love. I'm excited for both. Would it be sac-religious of me to buy mala beads, since I'm starting a section on meditation in my Stress Management class? Utahans do not know when to turn off their sprinklers.  Living with roommates most definitely prepares you for marriage/family life. Stephen's mint hot chocolate is quite wonderful. As is my tie-dyed pillow.
::commence sleeping::

Sunday, October 24, 2010

All You Need is a Little Pixie Dust!..

..That's how I managed to find someone nice enough to drive me to work after my alarm didn't go off yesterday morning.
That's how Whitley and I were able to get ready in a hurry last night.

That's how Rachel pulled off a fabulous ward Halloween party.

That's how I was able to stay up until almost 3:00am making a cherry pie.

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Words From the Wise

"Girls are way better than guys. I'll admit it. And any boy who won't, doesn't know very much."

"[Shaila,]You're almost never, ever, ever, ever, ever wrong."

"Our lives are not determined by what happens to us, but how we react to what happens; not by what life brings us, but by the attitude we bring to life. A positive attitude causes a chain reaction of positive thoughts, events and outcomes. It is a catalyst, a spark that creates extraordinary results." -Wade Boggs

Thursday, October 21, 2010

The Clothesline Project

For some extra credit in my sociology class, we were invited to view the Clothesline Project that was on display this week at school. I knew I would get emotional. But as I walked in, I told myself "I'll just go in for fifteen minutes. In and out. Easy." And of course I was completely wrong.
What an awakening experience. I tried to read as many shirts as possible. My heart broke as I read each one. I had heard domestic violence statistics before, but this experience really helped me to realize just how much abuse happens. Even here, in the "Mormon bubble." My heart goes out to all those who's lives have been impacted by these horrible acts.

Clothesline Project

PS- you all guessed wrong. The pumpkin is supposed to be the Browning deer symbol.

Monday, October 18, 2010

If You Give Shaila a Clorox Wipe..

..she will clean the entire apartment instead of going to class.
It all started with cleaning the bathroom sink. Then the bathtub. Then the whole bathroom. Then the whole apartment. I only get "cleaning fever" every so often, so I figured I might as well embrace it while it lasts!

We carved pumpkins tonight for FHE. Kudos to anyone who can tell me what it is!
PS- I did the nasty gutting part. The guys got the easy/clean part.

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Adventure Is Out There!

What a day! Actually, I take that back. What a week! Let's review...
  • Last Saturday was the exciting volleyball game versus BYU. We lost, but it was still a good game.
  • Testimony meeting on Sunday was wonderful. Also, I made a new friend. His name is Rockwell. He is my neighbor's pet snake.
  • For FHE on Monday, we played a grueling game of kickball. Whit actually got nailed in the face. Thankfully, she is okay!
  • Tuesday night was my first "expressive lab" in my sign language class. Glad that's over with!
  • On Wednesday night I was able to help host an info meeting for work. I loved helping out at the meeting, but after seeing the slideshow of pictures from past volunteers, it really made me question why I'm here and not still in China.
  • Also on Wednesday, our ward played our 4th volleyball game. We lost, but I think everyone is having a lot of fun playing. And that's what counts, right?
  • My one and only midterm was also on Wednesday. You'd think that out of all of my classes, Stress Management would be the one class that I wouldn't have a midterm in, right? Yeah, that's what I thought too! Wrong. But, I think I did alright.
  • Thursday was the beginning of our fall break! Whitley and I went to Halloween City and tried on some ridiculous costumes. Then, after work that night, I went on a hot date! Okay, maybe "hot" isn't a very fitting word. But, it really was a good night. We had dinner at a great Indian restaurant and then went and watched HumorU, a comedy group at BYU.
  • After work on Friday, Rachel and I had dinner with Adam and Mike (friends from the ward). FYI- Olive Garden will always be delicious. Then I continued my Scrubs marathon with Adam.. I think we've managed to watch about 20 episodes in a week. Is that unhealthy?
  • And now for today, the best day! SATURDAY! I started the morning off by shooting guns down in Payson with friends from the ward. Afterwards, Rachel and I got to spend a little time together (while Whit is in St. George with some friends). Jamba Juice & The Cocoa Bean. Yum! Then we took a short trip to the golf course with Mike, where he ever so patiently taught us to chip and putt. And then we ended the night with a group of friends at a haunted house.
Whew! Good times, huh? I'm definitely staying busy here, but I'm loving every minute of it! ;)

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Wo Xiang Wo De Mei Mei

Erin Rae. One of the flyest girls you'll ever meet. (She got it from me, of course) I usually end up wishing she were here whenever I'm having dance parties by myself in my room. I miss her.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Guess Who's Back (back, back, back again)

Hello, Blogger world! It's been a while and plenty of things have changed since my last post. First, as you can see by my new title, I am no longer in China. I'm in Utah! My decision to go to school at Utah Valley University was a little spontaneous but, not nearly as spontaneous or impulsive as my sister's decision to join me! I decided to come out here, talked my roommate into coming with me two weeks before classes started, and then Rachel joined us about three weeks ago. But, before I start talking about my life here, let me rewind and tell a little bit about my six weeks at home.
After spending one long night here in Utah, I finished the last few hours of my journey home to the gorgeous state of Virginia. I got home late Friday night/early Saturday morning. I was able to surprise my parents by showing up the night before they thought I was actually going to be there. At that point, it was just Mom, Dad, and Erin my youngest sister at home. Sammi and Amber were gone to Youth Conference, and Rachel was living at her own place. So, I was expecting to get at least 18 hours of sleep. I even locked the door to ensure that I would not be bothered. But, did that happen? Of course not. At 7am, about four hours after I had fallen asleep, Erin picked the lock to my room and crawled into bed with me. Gotta love her ;)
Thankfully, I was able to get my job back, so I started work at EvriChart bright and early on Monday morning. It wasn't too fun to be working the whole time that I was home, but I definitely needed the money. Plus, working with great people always helps. I love my EvriChart family. They were so sweet and kept in contact with me the whole time that I was in China.
I got back to the States at the perfect time. A week before Independence Day! My love and appreciation for this wonderful nation grew tremendously during my time abroad. Don't misunderstand me, I am in no way trying to put China in a bad light. I learned so much while I was there! But, one thing that I learned was that I have been so blessed to have been born into a wonderful family in a wonderful country. I am so grateful to be able to enjoy the freedoms that being American grants me.  Independence Day fell on a Sunday this year, which only helped me to be that much more thankful for my religious freedom. Ask my family, I bawled like a baby through most of the church services that day. I truly believe that our founding fathers involved the Lord in their work, and I am just so grateful to be American!

Whew! Done with that tangent.. I spent the rest of my time at home with family and friends. I, of course, went to the midnight showing of Eclipse with some fabulous friends. I was able to FINALLY see my cousin's baby, Karlee! She's so precious. I was also blessed with the opportunity to spend time with a friend's baby. His name is Julian, and I'm pretty sure that he is one of the most adorable babies that I have ever seen. He's so funny! He'll be turning a year old this month.
Even though I enjoyed my time at home, I wish that it wouldn't have passed so quickly so that I would've been able to spend more of it with my family.  But, it seems that this semester is going to go by super fast (midterms are next week!) so I'll be home for Christmas soon enough!

Happy Tuesday!

PS- there will be more about China. Have no fear ;)